How ready is your team for the age of rapid change, rapid learning, increasing uncertainty?
How strong is your Growth Mindset culture?

Cultures of growth ”promote learning, innovation, healthy risk-taking, and ethical decision-making. Managers can begin nurturing a culture of growth by understanding their team’s “mindset triggers” and tweaking how they deliver feedback.”

“HUMAN GROWTH HACKING” – Talks, Workshops and Trainings, Methodology

“We need to create an organizational culture where our people feel it is safe to be vulnerable and take appropriate risks. Where everyone is committed to continuous learning and personal and team development. Where we regularly experiment, falling forward and failing fast. And where continuous feedback loops are embedded throughout the organization, reinforcing our continuous learning and growth culture.”

How Growth and Learning-Oriented is your team?

Each of your teammates? You?

Growth Mindset Index and other assessments will tell you that.

Are you building a culture of growth? Or a culture of genius?
In the words of Microsoft’s iconic CEO Satya Nadella, a culture of “learn it all” or “ a culture of “know it all”?

CHECK OUT: Growth Mindset Index from Carol Dweck, PhD.

Tony Schwartz argues [Forbes article] that, counterintuitively, “building a culture focused on performance may not be the best, healthiest, or most sustainable way to fuel results. Instead, it may be more effective to focus on creating a culture of growth.” He then outlines four organizational elements required to develop a growth culture that produces results: a safe environment, continuous learning, manageable experiments and continuous feedback. In essence, he is arguing for an organization that rewards appropriate risk-taking to drive innovation, and one in which everyone is always coaching and learning from each other.”


What’s your mindset?
What’s the mindset of your teammates?
How can you build a culture of “learning it all”?

How can you create a culture of:
– Psychological safety;
– Continous learning (from failure, mistakes, experiments);
– Continuous feedback that encourages people to do their absolute best in the VUCA world, environment with a lot of uncertainty, unpredictability, rapid change?

How can you create the right kind of incentives, recognition, defaults and feedback?

And not only that but also help your team build the right kind of lifestyle, mindset and work habits that are a MUST for a learning, adapting, innovating brain? #neuroscienceatwork

Learn about other obstacles to cultures of growth HERE

My recent talk at the Department of Economic Growth and Tourism, Western Cape “Brain of a Leader”🧠

Did you know that the stressed and sleep-deprived brain can NOT learn effectively?

Do you teammates have the right stress management skills and the right sleep routines and habits? Do they know of any? Do you communicate to keep people challenged but not stressed?

Learn about other obstacles to cultures of growth HERE

Hey, it’s a lot to think about on your own, I know!

And that’s why like any great leader you need to outsource this to professionals who obsessively study and implement the cutting-edge science to seed and nourish cultures of growth and learning.

Schedule our call.
Let’s start building your learn-it-all team and culture of growth that like the best ROI just keeps on giving no matter how unpredictable and fast the future gets.

Angela Shurina
Executive Coach, Founder
Be well – Think well – Do well